Do you find yourself in a state of burnout? We can all feel immobilized, cynical, and uninspired at times. Burnout occurs when these feelings become chronic. There are so many ways we can experience this ongoing stress and exhaustion: professional burnout, digital burnout, caregiver burnout, and burnout in healthcare professionals. 

Here are six ways to stop burnout before it can progress. 

Break bigger goals into smaller goals

Are your goals overwhelming? Do you feel immobilized when thinking of what lies ahead? Try breaking your bigger goals into smaller goals. Instead of looking at your schedule or to-do list in months or even weeks, break it into days with something like a daily task agenda or notepad. Focus on your next step and only on that which you can control. 

Change up your routine and/or location

It’s no secret that our environment impacts our productivity and focus. If burnout is coming from a lack of inspiration, we can trick our brains into thinking we’re doing something new by shifting our routines and whereabouts. This doesn’t need to be a drastic change. Something as simple as redecorating your space or taking an unfamiliar route can help you gain a new perspective and notice new details. 

Set social boundaries

Have you earned a reputation for always being reachable? Do you feel like your brain is always spinning about work or your commitments? This is an excellent time to practice setting social limits. Try turning off email notifications in the evenings and on weekends and limit your time on social media. Practice being present. 

Listen to your body

Our bodies know what they need. Sometimes our food cravings can really be our systems alerting us to a vitamin deficiency. Stiff muscles let us know it’s time to move, stretch, or go for a walk. Exhaustion or a lack of energy can signal that we need to rest. Ignoring our physical warning signs will magnify our symptoms of burnout.

Seek community support

Combating burnout involves breaking feelings of isolation by seeking community support. There are many online and in-person communities for those navigating burnout. Mental health professionals have even started offering therapy for burnout. Friends can offer amazing emotional support and may even be in a place to assist with tasks like picking kids up from school. There is no shame in needing help!

Beat the urge to multitask with meaningful prioritization 

Multitasking can be a major drain on resources and rob us of being present. Prioritization can be so difficult, especially when we’re in the trenches of life. However, we spare ourselves more exhaustion by tackling tasks one at a time. Check out the Brain Dump notepad for help with prioritizing. 

These are just some of the tools we can use when addressing burnout. Taking time to invest in your well-being and plan your days proactively can help life feel more manageable and keep burnout at bay.