It’s that time again, when schedules get a bit busier. Fall sports begin to ramp up, lunches need to be planned for and packed, and the days become more structured with school and home responsibilities combined. Life can easily become chaotic. Help quiet the anxiety of “what if” with these back to school planning tips. 

Start the school supply hunt early

Is it annoying to see back to school ads in July? Yes. However, this is by design. If you begin preparing for the start of school early. You can strategically plan for things you do and don’t need before the heavy store rush happens. 

Look around the house. Is there anything you can reuse from last year? 

For everything else, as soon as you can get your hands on a school supply list, purchase the items you need, and order what you can online. This will not only free up your schedule, but you'll also have the peace of mind knowing that you have a head start on shopping. 


Declutter common spaces

Put away any summer toys or inflatables that may be taking up unnecessary space. Clear out old food in the freezer and refrigerator. And most importantly, tidy up and organize any common areas like the living room, dining room, kitchen, and homework areas. Once the school year starts, the last thing you’ll want to do is a deep clean. 


Use you planner to block off important dates 

Organizing school and sports calendars. Getting your monthly commitment schedule on paper in advance will help you see a clear picture of everything you have going on. Nothing is worse than forgetting an appointment, or remembering something at the last minute. 

Plus, this gives you the opportunity to reduce the mental clutter that comes along with trying to keep everything in your head. Try using something like the Monthly Desk Calendar or Weekly Task Agenda to keep your schedule straight. 

Begin a sleep routine

About two weeks before the start of school - start to get in the habit of going to bed earlier and waking up a bit earlier. Adjusting your schedule now will alleviate the shock that comes along with a school schedule shift. You might even want to practice getting up at least 30 minutes before everyone else for a bit of self-care.